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Author: Devendra verma

Wzatco projector Initial review

  • Review Add on: 03/05/2024
  • Average Rating:

Nice projector, with good picture quality, brightness and sound. Features are superb and perfect for home usage.

Author: Santhosh kumara S

Wzatco alpha 3 awesome theater experience

  • Review Add on: 26/12/2023
  • Average Rating:

I bought wzatco alpha 3 Projector and started using past from 2 weeks i feel theater experience and picture quality 1080 p was really thrilled and sound quality is like real dolby atome sound and for tecnical support i went to customer service centre and they given satisfactory response so wzatco projectors quility awesomely experienced.

Author: Mahesh Sansare

1 year extended warranty

  • Review Add on: 16/08/2023
  • Average Rating:

Amazing product quality. Worth buying

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)

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