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Total Customer Support

Wzatco promise is our unwavering commitment to our customers when they purchase a wzatco product.  Total customer support (TCM) is one of the 4 pillars of belief set forth as part of #wzatcopromise initiative. At wzatco, its not just about fixing customers problems but extending a trusted relationship. Our customers are our family and we believe in having a lifetime relationship. 

Daily dealing in support function, it’s easy to lose sight of the real reason as to what we do and why we do. Technology exists only to provide value to the people and processes articulates how we provide these services.

At wzatco’s TCM,  customer is in the center of the value system and most critical component.  Through use of processes and technology our aim is to provide convenience to our customers and at the same time help us create a governance model to track our internal processes and improve our offerings.

Total Customer Support is a comprehensive 360-degree model that ensures our customers are safeguarded from any issues with their products. We have leveraged technology to create easy access to customer requests and offer support through various online mediums such as WhatsApp, text or video calls, online consultations, email, and website support. Additionally, our extensive courier partnerships ensure a hassle-free pick-up and drop-off facility for any necessary repairs.

As an overarching governance model, we have implemented enablers and improvement processes. These technology enablers help our support team communicate with our customers and keep track of the issues. Our incident management tools serve as a platform through which customers can address their concerns and engage with our support team.

At WZATCO, we follow a continual service improvement model. Every issue encountered by our customers is documented and analyzed to identify the root cause, leading to appropriate actions such as skill improvement, raising awareness, or implementing fundamental changes in our products.

Our skill development model enables us to enhance our knowledge and skills needed to provide effective total support and gain the trust of our customers. However, we also remain mindful of our environment and believe that every action we take has an impact. We are committed to being responsible for protecting our environment by conserving energy, utilizing renewable resources, and fostering collaboration.

At WZATCO, we strive to uphold our #WZATCOPromise by providing outstanding support and building enduring relationships with our valued customers, all while being environmentally conscious.

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